
Loading "Flushsync"
🧝‍♂️ I've put together a new component we need. It's called <EditableText /> and it allows users to edit a piece of text inline. We display it in a button and when the user clicks it, the button turns into a text input. When the user presses enter, blurs, or hits escape, the text input turns back into a button.
Right now, when the user clicks the button, the button goes away and is replaced by the text input, but because their focus was on the button which is now gone, their focus returns to the <body> and the text input is not focused. This is not a good user experience.
👨‍💼 Thanks Kellie. So now what we need is for you to properly manage focus for all of these cases.
  • When the user submits the form (by hitting "enter")
  • When the user cancels the form (by hitting "escape")
  • When the user blurs the input (by tabbing or clicking away)
Additionally, when the user clicks the button, we want to select all the text so it's easy for them to edit.
🧝‍♂️ I've added some buttons before and after the input so you have something to test tab focus with. Good luck!
This example was uses code from trellix.