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There are a variety of UI patterns that require a component render some part of
its UI that appears outside of the component's normal DOM hierarchy. For
example, a modal dialog might need to render its contents at the root of the
document, or a tooltip might need to render its contents at the end of the
element. Typically this is for the purpose of layering or positioning
content above other content.You could imperatively add a
that creates a DOM node yourself,
appends it to the document, and then removes it when the component unmounts.
However, this is a common enough pattern that React provides a built-in way to
do this with the ReactDOM.createPortal
method.import { createPortal } from 'react-dom'
function Modal({
}: {
title: string
content: string
handleClose: () => void
}) {
return createPortal(
<div className="modal">
function App() {
const [showModal, setShowModal] = React.useState(false)
return (
<button onClick={() => setShowModal(true)}>Show Modal</button>
{showModal && (
title="My Modal"
content="This is the content of the modal"
handleClose={() => setShowModal(false)}
The first argument is the UI you want rendered (which has access to props,
state, whatever) and the second argument is the DOM node you want to render it
to. In this case, we're rendering the modal to the
element.π Learn more from the