Sync External State

Not everything we build on the web is built with React. There are libraries and platform APIs that are external to React. Bringing those things into React's component model and state management lifecycle is necessary for building full-featured applications.
The task is to synchronize the external world with the internal state of a React component. To do this, we use the useSyncExternalStore hook.
Let's take the example of a component that displays your current location via the geolocation API. The geolocation API is not a part of React, so we need to synchronize the external state of the geolocation API with the internal state of our component.
import { useSyncExternalStore } from 'react'

type LocationData =
	| { status: 'unavailable'; geo?: never }
	| { status: 'available'; geo: GeolocationPosition }
// this variable is our external store!
let location: LocationData = { status: 'unavailable' }

function subscribeToGeolocation(callback: () => void) {
	const watchId = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition((position) => {
		location = { status: 'available', geo: position }
	return () => {
		location = { status: 'unavailable' }
		return navigator.geolocation.clearWatch(watchId)

function getGeolocationSnapshot() {
	return location

function MyLocation() {
	const location = useSyncExternalStore(
	return (
			{location.status === 'unavailable' ? (
				'Your location is unavailable'
			) : (
					Your location is {location.geo.coords.latitude.toFixed(2)}
					{'°, '}
Here's the basic API:
const snapshot = useSyncExternalStore(
	getServerSnapshot, // optional
  • subscribe is a function that takes a callback and returns a cleanup function. The callback is called whenever the external store changes to let React know it should call getSnapshot to get the new value.
  • getSnapshot is a function that returns the current value of the external store.
  • getServerSnapshot is an optional function that returns the current value of the external store from the server. This is useful for server-side rendering and rehydration. If you don't provide this function, then React will render the nearest Suspense boundary fallback on the server and then when the client hydrates, it will call getSnapshot to get the current value.
To learn more about server rendering React, check the docs.
The Suspense Component is something we'll get to in a future workshop. For now, think of it as a way to declaratively handle loading states in React (because that's what it is and that's all you need to know for now).
Learn more about useSyncExternalStore in the API documentation.